
Posts Tagged ‘Oatmeal’

National Oatmeal Day!

What do cholesterol, office snacks, and Wilford Brimley have in common?

I’ll bet you didn’t guess it was oatmeal.  Today is National Oatmeal Day, let’s celebrate!

National Oatmeal Day

Celebrating National Oatmeal Day with a bowl of instant oats!


Yes, this nutritious grain is very popular and useful. It is  ingested to combat rising cholesterol levels. Our office goes through instant oatmeal packets like they are candy- rummaging through the huge Costco box for our favorite flavors and always ending up with way more Apples ‘n Cinnamon left over. And if you can’t remember Wilford Brimley’s commercials for Quaker Oats, you should probably go ask your parents for permission to read my blog.

So go forth and indulge in a scrumptious oatmeal cookie (my favorite is from Specialty’s!), or cook up a batch of the fancy  steel cut oats (you can freeze it and reheat a serving later, you know!), run your self a soothing oatmeal bath, or join me in mixing hot water with a packet of instant in my bowl at my desk.

Oatmeal is all good, and good for you.  Enjoy!